help illustrator error
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2009-01-03 05:10:14 UTC
After installing illustrator cs4, there was an error message saying some components were not installed and may not work.
When I open illustrator, there is this error message which says
" The localized resource files for this application could not be loaded.
Please reinstall or repair the application and try again. "
Can anyone please help me out with this?
2009-01-22 16:53:45 UTC
Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm having the same problem with an XP box.
2009-01-25 19:13:00 UTC
same exact error here too (running Win XP)
Anybody has a clue?
2009-01-25 19:19:21 UTC
I'm sorry. I don't have AI 14 (CS4), so I can't help, but I am very curious.

Did any of you try what was suggested in the error message -- namely reinstall or repair?

If so, what happened?
2009-01-25 21:34:42 UTC
yes, I did reinstall illustrator. Same results.
2009-01-26 17:45:43 UTC
Same here, tried copying the entire install to the local drive, disabled everything running (read AV might cause issues) all with the same results.
2009-02-06 04:01:25 UTC
After installing illustrator cs4, there was an error message saying some components werenotinstalled and maynotwork.
When I open illustrator, there is this error message which says
" Thelocalizedresourcefilesfor thisapplicationcouldnotbeloaded.
Please reinstall or repair theapplicationand try again. "
Can anyone please help me out with this?
Do you have a working install of Ai CS4 on another computer anywhere?
If so, go into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator\Support
\Required and copy the Resources file to the same location on the
computer that encounters the error. I was having the same problem, but
luckily I had a working install on another OS, so I just compared the
files between the two installations and found the missing ones.
2009-02-10 00:38:09 UTC
Instead of reinstalling just Illustrator again, this time I uninstalled all the Master Suite, and reinstalled the Suite again.
This fixed the problem.

I vaguely recall that the first installation (overnight) did not complete, and I had to restarted it from the point the install program left. Maybe this was related to the problem I was seeing.
2009-02-17 10:08:01 UTC
Same problem here. I haven't tried a full reinstall yet, but I've noticed something strange. Although my installation language was English (International) some of the directories in Illustrator has German names, like "Vorgaben" and "Zusatzmodule". This is not the case for the other programs.
2009-02-17 19:27:41 UTC
It hinges on your system language settings. If no proper locale can be found, the installer will use the next possible alternative. It's a bug, though. Also do not forget, that as of CS4 the serial number also dictates the language in which some applications can be installed and used. You could try to run another install, but before you do, change your region to US (EN_us). There's one caveat, though: The MS installer will still have the original language packages and may in turn again throw things off track for the Adobe installer, is it uses part of these components...

2009-02-24 12:57:09 UTC
Serial number is locked on English(International) and OS is Norwegian. Tried changing regional settings to English(UK) and English(US). This solved the problem with the German directories, but I am still unable to run Illustrator because of the localized resource files error.
2009-02-25 08:21:58 UTC
Mmh, do you have the correct DVD set/ download package for your region? Maybe something to do with that....

2009-03-03 13:49:06 UTC
I went ahead and created a netwrok installer with the Deployment Toolkit and now everything works. I've used it on machines having English region settings as well as Norwegian, makes no difference, both works.

Not sure what the problem with the German directories and -localized resource files- error was, but when I copied the content of the disk over to my harddrive (for the Deplyoment Toolkit) I had a problem with disk 3. After cleaning it copying went fine. Could it be that installation directly from the disks just ignored any reading errors and just skipped some important files?
2009-03-03 19:08:05 UTC
It shouldn't. ;-) Actually the install scripts go to quite some lengths to not miss out on anything, so I'm not sure what the problem could be. Perhaps some files simply got locked and the installer thought it didn't need to install them. Custom deployments are a tad more agressive, so it's possible it overrode the issue...

2015-11-18 16:56:28 UTC
When you install, choose language English INternational instead English North America

This work for me.

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