You have to login everytime because you are using your Adobe ID and that login requires using HTTPS for security reasons. I asked John C. about that because I had a concern about my private data.
But, if i haven't converted on the laptop, it's 'cause i haven't been asked. But that makes no sense as the id and password are the same on both machines... <scratching head>
I just spent fifteen minutes writing a reply to someone's query only to have it wiped when Adobe Forums kindly interrupted on "Send" to tell me that the forum format was changing.
Wasn't it just a couple of years ago that the forums were overhauled, much to the dismay of everyone who uses them? I seem to remember that effort going down in flames and this very usable format being restored. Apparently, those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Then again, Adobe has never been known for not fixing things when they're not broken. And vice versa.
I have to say the new forums will be a godsend ! The present Adobe Forum software is quite the dinosaur and not very intuitive. I've always wished the Adobe Forums and the old Macromedia ones would use the same credetentials and conform to what most people that have used popular forum software expect in terms of functionality and features.
Couldn't care less about using Usenet software to post; because people don't appreciate quoting; even though most modern forum software does just that. One can then respond to a particular author within a thread conveniently. Something which is quite kludgey to do presently.
Adobe has provided forum space for discussion of the changeover <>. Might I respectfully suggest further debate and observation be channeled to that part of the forum, where great minds interested in the topic can have at it.