2009-04-01 19:42:11 UTC
could someone just confirm if I'm following the right path (sorry about the pun)
Drew a circle (shift/alt)
Used the sizzor tool on left hand point and then shift click on RH point etc until I'm left with a semi circle with two end of path points. Ok I clicked and shift clicked and selected join paths and hey presto I now have a semi circle.
I want to curve the straight line in like a banana but this bit has me beat.
Wrong technique?
could someone just confirm if I'm following the right path (sorry about the pun)
Drew a circle (shift/alt)
Used the sizzor tool on left hand point and then shift click on RH point etc until I'm left with a semi circle with two end of path points. Ok I clicked and shift clicked and selected join paths and hey presto I now have a semi circle.
I want to curve the straight line in like a banana but this bit has me beat.
Wrong technique?