I've needed this effect many times, like on my web site, http://voices.cc
Usually I put some audio into Adobe Audition and do a screen grab. Many
computers now have Audacity, and audio recorder which can generate a nice
trace. Best would probably be to download GoldWave, a full-featured audio
editor. It's forty bucks, but you can download for free and use it for a
Even if you're not set up to record, you can open existing .wav or .mp3
files into it, and splice and edit til you come up with one that looks the
way you want. Then press your Print Screen key, drop in Photoshop and
PS...naturally, this is all raster, and for detail you'll want to make the
audio trace close to full-screen. As for vector, I do not know of any audio
program which will do it, but you can capture the audio track image,
magic-wand select the whole audio trace by color, remove it from the image
and paste it into Illustrator, where you can trace or autotrace to make your
Post by 2***@adobeforums.comdoes anybody knows how can I make sound waves,please?
or if there is a sound wave generator which can be vectorised?
thank you